Creative disruption rules the technological acceleration. Economically speaking, the global markets are going through any of the four quadrants at any time and only a few antifragile governments are good at profiting from any type of markets be them a bear or a bull. In the current day, AI and crypto-economics infrastructure are just recombinant innovative patches to the evolutionary and financial legacy.
Non-pegged Stablecoins #01: On the Current State of HAI
Published a research log that bookmarks certain links from the industry wide domains across MEV, Ethereum Research, Web3 Marketing, Cryptography, and the Art Markets.
It’s been more than a year since I wrote the last This Week in Writing and NFTs post. It was a series where I mainly delved into the latest trends in nonfungibles ecosystems in terms with the practice of writing—as in either .pdfs pinned to IPFS and hashed to an ERC721, or metadata, or the art of permanent storage, let alone the smart contractual artistic enterprises that utilized the infrastructure available back then.